Representatives from people's movements and organizations worldwide gathered in South Africa to catalyse a global people's movement for action on climate change and to condemn the rapidly emerging market in carbon as a false solution to the problem.
From 4-7th October 2004 the second meeting of activists fighting carbon trading took place in Durban, South Africa. Thirty-five representatives of social movements and organisations strategised and shared experiences and knowledge. Participants included activists from diverse struggles such as anti-plantation movements in South America, land rights and anti-privatisation struggles in South Africa and Indigenous peoples' movements in India and the USA plus many more.
At the conclusion of the meeting the Durban group released a public statement denouncing carbon trading as a false solution to climate change. The Durban group also demanded that climate change be taken back into the hands of people and called for action around the world for real solutions to the climate crisis.
Groups present at the meeting: groundwork South Africa, Centre for Civil Society South Africa, CDM Watch, Dag Hammerskjold Foundation Sweden, Khanya College South Africa, Timberwatch South Africa, Global Justice Ecology Project USA, O le Siosiomaga Society Samoa, Amigos de la Tierra Costa Rica, FERN UK, The Corner House UK, FASE-ES Brazil, IIASA Austria, Accion Ecologica Ecuador, World Rainforest Movement Uruguay, CORE India, Forest Workers and Forest Peoples Forum India, DELHI FORUM India, Transnational Institute The Netherlands, Climate & Development Initiatives Uganda, Indigenous Environmental Network USA, EarthLife Ethekwini South Africa, Sustainable Energy and Economy Network USA.
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