Newsletter 2011, Number 2. Key arguments against REDD+ PDF Print E-mail
Carbon Trade Watch | Monday, 20 June 2011

Newsletter 2011, No.2
In this issue:

1. REDD+: Factsheets and Statements
2. NEW PUBLICATIONS: Books, booklets and articles
3. MULTIMEDIA: Website and Presentations

1. REDD+: Factsheets and Statements

Factsheet: Key arguments against REDD+

This factsheet outlines some key arguments that explain why the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD) scheme should not be considered as a solution to climate change, while stressing how REDD is bad news for the forests, for the climate and for the people.

Factsheet: Some Key REDD+ Players

REDD rewards polluters with carbon credits, allowing them to elude their responsibility to reduce emissions at source. There are billions of dollars at stake and REDD-type projects have already resulted in land grabs, jailings and threats to cultural survival. This factsheet is an overview of some of the key players who are behind designing, implementing and profiting from REDD.

An invitation to sign the position on Women and REDD

REDD+ as currently designed will contribute to a global land grab of communities' and Indigenous Peoples' lands and territories, which will particularly affect women, states a position signed by women and organizations that denounces REDD as another false solution for climate change.




2. NEW PUBLICATIONS: Books, booklets and articles


Caught in the cross-hairs: how industry lobbyists are gunning for EU climate targets

In June 2011, the European Council will discuss a new low-carbon Roadmap, while the Parlaiment will discuss raising the EU's emissions reduction target to 30 per cent by 2020. These measures are not enough and, in the case of the Roadmap, set out a path that is riddled with "false solutions" to climate change. But the lobbyists' efforts have made matters worse. This report, produced jointly with Corporate Europe Observatory, shows how BusinessEurope, the European employers’ confederation; the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) and the European Confederation of Iron and Steel Industries (Eurofer) have launched a bullying campaign to prevent a rise in climate targets and other steps.

More is less: a case against sectoral carbon markets

This report critically examines the reasons behind and potential consequences of creating new carbon market mechanisms. In particular, it focuses on “sectoral” carbon markets, which would move beyond the project-by-project basis of the CDM and issue carbon allowances in relation whole sectors of the economy.

Africa’s pollution and land grab threat from UN carbon market

The United Nation’s carbon offset mechanism is incentivising pollution and could lead to a land grab for industrial biofuels, tree plantations, genetically modified crops and biochar projects in Africa. This briefing by the Gaia Foundation in collaboration with the African Biodiversity Network, Carbon Trade Watch, Timberwatch Coalition and Biofuelwatch, examines the experience and prospects for the United Nation’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) across the continent.


EU Emissions Trading System: failing at the third attempt

Emissions trading is the European Union’s flagship measure for tackling climate change, and it is failing badly. The third phase of the scheme, beginning in 2013, is supposed to rectify many the system’s the failures to date. This joint briefing from Carbon Trade Watch and Corporate Europe Observatory shows that it will continue to rewarded major polluters with windfall profits, while undermining efforts to reduce pollution and achieve a more equitable and sustainable economy.


“Forests in Exhaustion”: a new CDM proposal to subsidise industrial plantations

The proposal to include “forests in exhaustion” in the Clean Development Mechanism would offer a new means to subsidise industrial tree plantations. In joint submission to the UNFCC, the World Rainforest Movement and Carbon Trade Watch presents key four arguments against this proposal, as well as a bibliography of related publications.


World Bank Partnership for Market Readiness begins push for new carbon markets

The World Bank is busily encouraging “middle income” countries to create new carbon trading schemes. Its new Partnership for Market Readiness is now up and running, with initial grants made to Chile, China, Columbia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand and Turkey.

Fraud and scams in the EU Emissions Trading System

In addition to over-allocation, windfall profits and the more fundamental problems with the EU ETS, other scandals have taken centre stage recently. In 2010, reports of more sophisticated forms of corruption have demonstrated that when 'buying' and 'selling' a sham commodity, the possibilities for fraud are endless.

Los mitos del mercado de carbono

Resulta evidente el fracaso que en cada reunión oficial de la convención marco para el cambio climático de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para llegar a acuerdos vinculantes en materia de medidas de mitigación y adaptación al cambio climático, es un fortalecimiento de las corporaciones transnacionales y las Instituciones Financieras Internacionales en los acuerdos sobre los mecanismos del mercado de carbono y el precio de estos ante el negocio que representa la crisis climática, tanto para dichas corporaciones como para los gobiernos en el norte y sur global.


3. MULTIMEDIA: Website and Presentations

Climate Justice: an introduction
Pollution does not differentiate between borders or location; it is a global problem. Yet the effects of climate change have greater impacts on countries in the Global South and especially on Indigenous Peoples, small farming-based communities and women around the globe. The wealthiest countries in the world, in particular their corporate and political elites, are those most responsible for the climate crises.


Women and Climate Change: an introduction
Climate change affects everyone, but research shows that the financially poorest peoples of the world suffer the most. Women are the majority of those living in poverty in the world.  In some regions, women provide 70 percent of agricultural labour, produce more than 90 percent of the food, and yet are nowhere represented in budget deliberations.


Monocultures: an introduction
Monocultures are large areas of land cultivated with a single crop, using methods that imply a high use of inputs such as agrotoxic chemicals and machinery. Monoculture crops and plantations have a host of social and environmental problems associated with their cultivation. In the South, monoculture plantations are large-scale and often produce bulk products for the export market, not for local use.


Carbon Offsets: an introduction


Cap and Trade: an introduction 


REDD, forests and land: an introduction 



Carbon Trade Watch aims to continue following critical issues related to climate and environmental justice. CTW functions on a small budget by making careful and ethical spending decisions. We are short on funding this year and need generous financial support to complete our goals for 2011. Please consider supporting the project through solidarity, sharing, translation and/or financial support (donate here).


Carbon Trade Watch, Environmental Justice Research Collective
El Collectiu d’Investigació per la Justícia Mediambiental (CIJM)

Carrer de Princesa, Núm. 6
08003 Barcelona

Tel: +34 625 49 8083
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CTW Newsletter 2011 #2 

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